020192, Capricorn ![]() Alec Amanda Amanda Low Andrea Audrey Chimeng Chingkeat Christopher Dejing Desiree Elizabeth Eunice Faisal Gina Haien Hyona Irish Jiheon Jinshen Justina Kimberly Lionel Mandy Marcus Meitze SamAng Shihui Shuwen Siting Songko Tunlinn Varun Weiyi Xinying Xueting Yanjun Yongjie Yorkquan August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 |
Monday, November 26 - 9:47 PM
My first day of work... Lol, alot of things happened, lazy to post it all up. Very funny things. Worked for like 2 hrs, slack for like 7 hrs. Hahaha, talk in the warehouse with Jinshen only... Or not just sort out phones... Other funny things lazy to say lar. Bye. Friday, November 23 - 3:13 PM
Was busy with the funeral for the past 3 days. And so many things happened. Met up with my cousins, haven't seen them for like 3-4 months. The funeral was held at some church, I forgot the name. Anyway, nothing much to do until the third day. Cos' there was this service. Like the pastor will talk and stuff. So more things for us to do, can keep us occupied. The pastor's translator was so damn funny. Wtf, he was so blur lor! Cos' the pastor was leading the prayer, then the translator was supposed to translate the prayer. And then nearing the end... Pastor: In the name of Jesus we say... Translator: AMEN. -.- He forgot to translate. He realised his mistake lar. He quickly went back to translate that sentence. Lol. And then we, the family members, were supposed to stand aside to allow the visitors to view the coffin and...shake hands. I can confirm, this is the day I had the most handshakes. And then Samantha made the translator quite sad. Cos' the translator wanted to shake hands with her, but she was daydreaming, and the translator didn't get the handshake! His face like change so dramatically, from happy to sad. Anyway, let's come back to today. So early in the morning went to the church again. Final day. Bused to the cemetery and back. Ate with Jh, Reuben and Samantha. Samantha was supposed to take care of Jx! And then Jx don't know do what, made Samantha quite amused. Reuben: Are you amused? Sam: Ya. Reuben: Small things amuses small brains. LOL. Anyway, that's it. After this funeral, we won't get to see much of each other again. Because normally when we all go to Aunt Chinghong's house the reason is to see my grandpa. And now that grandpa's gone... Maybe we'll meet up lar. As much as we are all sad, I think now that grandpa's gone it kind of lightens the burden set upon my aunt. She's like the sole breadwinner for the family and before grandpa died she was the one paying for his medical fees which amounted to a few thousand dollars every month. So, I guess life would be easier for her now. We'll all miss you. Tuesday, November 20 - 12:37 PM
I went to the mortuary ytd. And it was one of the worst places you could go in the hospital. My paternal grandfather passed away last night... I'm not really that close to him. But of course, there's still abit of sadness. Saturday, November 17 - 9:18 PM
For the first time in my entire life, I actually saw my father took a public transport. LOL. Ya, and my mother had the car all to herself these few days. HAHAHA. Lol, my father using an EZ-link! Anyway, chinese homeworks down! Left with Physics... I think I'll start studying when December arrives. THE ABOVE SENTENCE SERVES AS A REMINDER. I'm in christmas mood already. Thursday, November 15 - 5:01 PM
HI! So long since my last post... Okay, actually, 6 days isn't that long. Gonna post abt the chalet. * FIRST DAY Met up at LJS with a grp of ppl. Sorry, but I can't remember who, cos there's alot. Went downtown. Our room was kinda far away from the entrance. So, went to cycle. All the way to the stable and stuff. Okay, it was boring lar. Halfway thru Jinshen came. And then went back to play abit of cards and slack abit, till BBQing. Anyway, played dai di with SamA, Dj and Chengen. Chengen lost 6 in a row, and we asked him to do something as forfeit. Nvm, he refused. Lol! So went Cheers to buy the BBQ items. BBQ! Most successful BBQ ever. Some ppl went home. Cards cards cards nxt. CHEAT CHEAT CHEAT! * SECOND DAY Went to sleep for awhile. Woke up and went with Zhengyu to buy drinks for the rest. Lol, I just went, but Zy paid for the drinks. He is so nice, right. Haha. Went back and I can't rmb what we did. Anyway, Lionel and Xy came. Some went to cycle, leaving most of the boys behind either sleeping or playing cards or watching tv. And I can't rmb anything again. I rmb this. Was around 6pm in the evening and almost everyone were slping or went cycling. So me, Jinshen, Andrea and Zhengyu were sitting around and talking. I went to open the fridge, before I opened it, I saw Jinshen behind and told him in a childish way, "Eh, we discover what is in the fridge together okay?" And Js said I reminded him of his nephews. LOL, and then Jinshen went into a series of stories abt his nephews and cousins and entertained the 3 of us. HAHAH. Damn funny, the stories. Especially the handcuff one. All went out to eat after awhile. Went back to the chalet with Zheyue and Js, slacked awhile and waited for the rest to come back. They did, of course. One room was watching tv, another room was playing something. So I went to the "playing something" room with Ang. Haha, the game was fun, I thought it was lame, but it's really quite fun. Lionel, Jiheon, Haien, Tunlinn, Meitze, Shihui, Andrea, Xy, Ang and me. Hahaha, must play more. Had lots of trouble doing the clapping thing. Beginner mah, must give chance. Hahaha. And then halfway through dunno who went to create and imaginary item in the middle. Hahah, and then Jiheon damn cute, he said "No, the item has been taken away." LOL, I FIND IT CUTE LAR. Anyway, the game was fun, no longer lame. Xy, Lionel, Gina, Lingyi, Jinshen, Zheyue, Haien and Jiheon went home. Played cards all the way till 4am with Ang, Hui, Jj. And then they were such idiotic ppl. Took the pillows, took the blankets and then all went to sleep. Haha, and I'm left with nothing. Disturbed Jj for awhile. Slept for 1 hour or something and woke up, LOL, it was super cold ar! After awhile Ang woke up due to the cold too, and he was the one with a blanket... * THIRD DAY Went BK after checking out. Didn't eat thr with the rest. Went to Mr Bean with Jj, Chengen, Ang and Hui. Ate thr instead and went back to BK to find the rest. So they suggested going to Wild Wild Wet... In the end all agreed. WWW was okay, normal. All the way till evening, went to eat, and sat the long train ride back home. Went Andrea's house with SamH, Jj and Lingyi. Hahaha, okay, anyway, that's all. Friday, November 9 - 7:11 PM
Yay, 2 more days of Step Ahead! I am so stepping down from Step Ahead. So...early in the morning I walked into class, Mrs Soh straightaway asked me for my Emaths homework. Haha, and then I checked underneath my table, MIA! In the end it was Ching Keat who took my book home lar, he said he can't find his own so he anyhow take. But he did return me, and my homework! Stealing, hahaha! Managed to pass-up my 2 homeworks. Haha. And Nicholas Tang is a bastard. He made alot of noise during Amaths period ar, with Chong Boi and co. Games Gang. LOL. Most irritating member of the gang is him, man! Hahaha. Sit behind them also cannot tahan. Haha. Physics was crap lar. Stupid experiment, also don't know do what one. After school?! Got Physics Remedial! Eh, before that something funny happened. Idiot one. Went to bookshop with Ang... Me: Eh, we race to class lar, cannot run, only can walk. SamA: Come lar! Then we started walking...midway, he started to run... Me: Aiya, run lar! Then run run run, lol, going to reach the class already, going to win... BAM! FALL DOWN, WTF. SLIPPERY FLOOR AGAIN MADE ME FALL DOWN. Then he win! WTF MAN, WHY SO SUAY ONE. Somemre quite pain lor, lol. The lessons were okay. Went hawker with Sh and Ang. Idiot, Ang describe my fall until damn exaggerating. Liar lar. I is fall down until quite style one okay! HAHAHA. Bye. Monday, November 5 - 6:35 PM
"Teardrops On My Guitar" is d a m n nice. Saturday, November 3 - 10:45 PM
2-2! Final result for Man U Vs Arsenal. Idiotic...Man U led twice but Arsenal equalised twice. And the last goal came at the 91st minute! Unlucky lar... Friday, November 2 - 8:42 PM
TIRED TIRED TIRED. Went Tiong with SamA, Yx and Sh. Saw quite alot of ppl...haha. Ate, then Yx left. So walked around Tiong... Then home! Thursday, November 1 - 9:29 PM
Arhhh... Went hawker with Samsungs, Sh, Ym and Jj. Talked crap! HAHAHA, Jj's the victim! Slept all the way till 7pm straight after I reached home. 4pm-7pm, 3 hours gone! Did all the homeworks. Emaths quite okay lar... Chinese, no need to hand up tmr, I know... But, I did it lar, hardworking kid. Amaths amaths, read the 3 pages, wah, read like very easy...but when do? Sure difficult! Aiya, step ahead go away lar! Chemistry practical nowadays not bad lar, easy and nice. Physics sucks. As usual. Others no need to say lar... I will. I will. I will. |